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AS1105WL-T Folha de dados (PDF) - ams AG

AS1105WL-T Datasheet PDF - ams AG
Nome de Peças AS1105WL-T
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Tamanho do Arquivo   142.59 Kbytes
página   12 Pages
Fabricante Electrônico  AMSCO [ams AG]
Página de início  http://www.ams.com
Logo AMSCO - ams AG
Descrição Electrónicos Serially Interfaced, 4-Digit LED Driver

AS1105WL-T Datasheet (PDF)

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AS1105WL-T Datasheet PDF - ams AG

Nome de Peças AS1105WL-T
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Tamanho do Arquivo   142.59 Kbytes
página   12 Pages
Fabricante Electrônico  AMSCO [ams AG]
Página de início  http://www.ams.com
Logo AMSCO - ams AG
Descrição Electrónicos Serially Interfaced, 4-Digit LED Driver

AS1105WL-T Folha de dados (HTML) - ams AG

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AS1105WL-T Detalhes do produto

General Description

The AS1105 is an LED driver for 7 segment numeric displays of up to 4 digits. The AS1105 can be programmed via a conventional 4 wire serial interface. It includes a BCD code-B decoder, a multiplex scan circuitry, segment and display drivers and a 32 Bit memory. The memory is used to store the LED settings, so that continuous reprogramming is not necessary.

Key Features

- Cost effective version of AS1100 functionality forapplications up to 4-Digits

- 10MHz Serial Interface

- Individual LED Segment Control

- Decode/No-Decode Digit Selection

- 20µA Low-Power Shutdown (Data Retained)

- Extremely low Operating Current 0.5mA in open loop

- Digital and Analog Brightness Control

- Display Blanked on Power-Up

- Drive Common-Cathode LED Display

- Software Reset1

- Optional External clock

- 20 pin SO Packages


- Bar-Graph Displays

- Industrial Controllers

- Panel Meters

- LED Matrix Displays

- White Goods

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Sobre a ams AG

ams AG is a multinational company that designs and manufactures advanced sensor solutions and analog ICs (integrated circuits). The company was founded in 1981 in Austria and has its headquarters in Premstaetten, Austria.

ams AG's product portfolio includes sensors for applications such as mobile devices, automotive, industrial automation, medical, and smart homes. The company also provides ICs for power management, wireless connectivity, and audio processing.

In recent years, ams AG has expanded its business through acquisitions of companies such as TAOS Inc., Heptagon, and Osram Licht AG, which have strengthened the company's expertise in optical sensing and lighting technologies.

ams AG is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and has a global presence with offices and production sites in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

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