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00917700X001X06 Folha de dados (PDF) - AVX Corporation

00917700X001X06 Datasheet PDF - AVX Corporation
Nome de Peças 00917700X001X06
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Tamanho do Arquivo   236.57 Kbytes
página   5 Pages
Fabricante Electrônico  AVX [AVX Corporation]
Página de início  http://www.avx.com
Logo AVX - AVX Corporation
Descrição Electrónicos SSL - Discrete Wire IDC

00917700X001X06 Datasheet (PDF)

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00917700X001X06 Datasheet PDF - AVX Corporation

Nome de Peças 00917700X001X06
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Tamanho do Arquivo   236.57 Kbytes
página   5 Pages
Fabricante Electrônico  AVX [AVX Corporation]
Página de início  http://www.avx.com
Logo AVX - AVX Corporation
Descrição Electrónicos SSL - Discrete Wire IDC

00917700X001X06 Folha de dados (HTML) - AVX Corporation

Nº de peça semelhante - 00917700X001X06

Fabricante ElectrônicoNome de PeçasFolha de dadosDescrição Electrónicos
AVX Corporation
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236Kb / 5P
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009177001022006 AVX-009177001022006 Datasheet
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   SSL - Discrete Wire IDC
009177001033006 AVX-009177001033006 Datasheet
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   SSL - Discrete Wire IDC
009177002001006 AVX-009177002001006 Datasheet
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   SSL - Discrete Wire IDC
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Descrição semelhante - 00917700X001X06

Fabricante ElectrônicoNome de PeçasFolha de dadosDescrição Electrónicos
AVX Corporation
009176001001006 AVX-009176001001006 Datasheet
317Kb / 8P
   SSL - Discrete Wire IDC
00917900X001X06 AVX-00917900X001X06 Datasheet
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   SSL - Discrete Wire IDC
009175002701106 AVX-009175002701106 Datasheet
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009177003033006 AVX-009177003033006 Datasheet
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00-9176-002-001-106 AVX-00-9176-002-001-106 Datasheet
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Sobre a AVX Corporation

AVX Corporation is an American electronic component manufacturer that specializes in the design, development, and manufacture of passive electronic components, including capacitors, resistors, filters, and connectors. The company was founded in 1972 and is headquartered in Fountain Inn, South Carolina.

AVX Corporation's products are used in a wide range of industries, including automotive, telecommunications, consumer electronics, and medical devices. The company's product portfolio includes a variety of passive electronic components, such as ceramic capacitors, tantalum capacitors, film capacitors, and thin film resistors.

AVX Corporation is committed to quality and innovation, and it has obtained various certifications, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and IATF 16949. The company's advanced manufacturing facilities and quality control processes ensure that its products meet the highest standards of performance and reliability.

Today, AVX Corporation is recognized as a leading manufacturer of passive electronic components, with a strong reputation for providing high-quality and innovative solutions to its customers. The company continues to invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of new technologies and applications in the electronic component industry.

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