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PONA2117-8-DC-TC-02 Folha de dados (PDF) - Emcore Corporation

PONA2117-8-DC-TC-02 Datasheet PDF - Emcore Corporation
Nome de Peças PONA2117-8-DC-TC-02
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Tamanho do Arquivo   481.65 Kbytes
página   4 Pages
Fabricante Electrônico  EMCORE [Emcore Corporation]
Página de início  http://www.emcore.com
Logo EMCORE - Emcore Corporation
Descrição Electrónicos Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)

PONA2117-8-DC-TC-02 Datasheet (PDF)

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PONA2117-8-DC-TC-02 Datasheet PDF - Emcore Corporation

Nome de Peças PONA2117-8-DC-TC-02
Download  PONA2117-8-DC-TC-02 Click to download

Tamanho do Arquivo   481.65 Kbytes
página   4 Pages
Fabricante Electrônico  EMCORE [Emcore Corporation]
Página de início  http://www.emcore.com
Logo EMCORE - Emcore Corporation
Descrição Electrónicos Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)

PONA2117-8-DC-TC-02 Folha de dados (HTML) - Emcore Corporation

Nº de peça semelhante - PONA2117-8-DC-TC-02

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Emcore Corporation
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Descrição semelhante - PONA2117-8-DC-TC-02

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Emcore Corporation
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NMOA8100 EMCORE-NMOA8100 Datasheet
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PONA30 EMCORE-PONA30 Datasheet
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MAFA-2000 EMCORE-MAFA-2000 Datasheet
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OAB1552-20FP0 JDSU-OAB1552-20FP0 Datasheet
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   Benchtop Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier
Emcore Corporation
MAFA-2100-PA1 EMCORE-MAFA-2100-PA1 Datasheet
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   Micro Erbium Doped Fiber pre-Amplifier
PGE60803 ERICSSON-PGE60803 Datasheet
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PGE60801 ERICSSON-PGE60801 Datasheet
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Sobre a Emcore Corporation

EMCORE Corporation is a global technology company that specializes in the design and manufacture of advanced semiconductor-based products for the broadband and fiber optic markets. The company was founded in 1984 and is based in Alhambra, California, USA.

EMCORE's products are used in a wide range of applications, including telecommunications, data centers, cable television networks, and defense and aerospace systems. The company's product portfolio includes optical components, optical subsystems, and photovoltaic products.

EMCORE's optical components include lasers, receivers, transmitters, and modulators, which are used in optical communications systems to convert electrical signals into optical signals and vice versa. The company's optical subsystems are designed to provide complete optical networking solutions, including transmission systems, optical amplifiers, and multiplexers.

In addition to its fiber optic products, EMCORE also designs and manufactures photovoltaic products, including high-efficiency solar cells and concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) systems, which are used in terrestrial and space-based applications. EMCORE has a global presence and serves customers in North America, Europe, Asia, and other regions around the world.

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