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2002-1674 Folha de dados (PDF) - WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

2002-1674 Datasheet PDF - WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Nome de Peças 2002-1674
Download  2002-1674 Download

Tamanho do Arquivo   1098.05 Kbytes
página   23 Pages
Fabricante Electrônico  WAGO [WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG]
Página de início  https://www.wago.com/global/
Logo WAGO - WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Descrição Electrónicos 2-conductor disconnect/test terminal block; with test option; orange disconnect link; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 2.5 mm²; Push-in CAGE CLAMP®; 2,50 mm²; blue

2002-1674 Datasheet (PDF)

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2002-1674 Datasheet PDF - WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Nome de Peças 2002-1674
Download  2002-1674 Click to download

Tamanho do Arquivo   1098.05 Kbytes
página   23 Pages
Fabricante Electrônico  WAGO [WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG]
Página de início  https://www.wago.com/global/
Logo WAGO - WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Descrição Electrónicos 2-conductor disconnect/test terminal block; with test option; orange disconnect link; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 2.5 mm²; Push-in CAGE CLAMP®; 2,50 mm²; blue

2002-1674 Folha de dados (HTML) - WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Nº de peça semelhante - 2002-1674

Fabricante ElectrônicoNome de PeçasFolha de dadosDescrição Electrónicos
WAGO Kontakttechnik Gmb...
2002-1671 WAGO-2002-1671 Datasheet
1Mb / 23P
   2-conductor disconnect/test terminal block; with test option; orange disconnect link; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 2.5 mm²; Push-in CAGE CLAMP®; 2,50 mm²; gray
2002-1671-401-000 WAGO-2002-1671-401-000 Datasheet
1Mb / 25P
   2-conductor disconnect/test terminal block; with mechanical interlock; with test option; orange disconnect link; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 2.5 mm²; Push-in CAGE CLAMP®; 2,50 mm²; gray
2002-1671/401-000 WAGO-2002-1671/401-000 Datasheet
1Mb / 25P
   2-conductor disconnect/test terminal block; with mechanical interlock; with test option; orange disconnect link; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 2.5 mm²; Push-in CAGE CLAMP®; 2,50 mm²; gray
2002-1672 WAGO-2002-1672 Datasheet
1Mb / 23P
   2-conductor disconnect/test terminal block; with test option; orange disconnect link; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 2.5 mm²; Push-in CAGE CLAMP®; 2,50 mm²; orange
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Descrição semelhante - 2002-1674

Fabricante ElectrônicoNome de PeçasFolha de dadosDescrição Electrónicos
WAGO Kontakttechnik Gmb...
2202-1671 WAGO-2202-1671 Datasheet
870Kb / 18P
   2-conductor disconnect/test terminal block; with push-button; with test option; orange disconnect link; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 2.5 mm짼; Push-in CAGE CLAMP짰; 2,50 mm짼; gray
870-831 WAGO-870-831 Datasheet
1,009Kb / 9P
   4-conductor through terminal block; 2.5 mm²; side and center marking; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; CAGE CLAMP®; 2,50 mm²; gray
Version 28.03.2023
2002-1662 WAGO-2002-1662 Datasheet
994Kb / 21P
   2-conductor carrier terminal block; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 2.5 mm짼
2022-1602 WAGO-2022-1602 Datasheet
1Mb / 13P
   2-pin carrier terminal block; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; orange
2020-1401 WAGO-2020-1401 Datasheet
1Mb / 15P
   2-conductor/2-pin carrier terminal block; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5
780-640 WAGO-780-640 Datasheet
577Kb / 17P
   3-conductor shield terminal block; 2.5 mm짼; center marking; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; CAGE CLAMP짰; 2,50 mm짼; white
2020-1304 WAGO-2020-1304 Datasheet
1Mb / 15P
   2-conductor/1-pin carrier terminal block; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5
2020-1301 WAGO-2020-1301 Datasheet
1Mb / 15P
   2-conductor/1-pin carrier terminal block; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5
2022-1604 WAGO-2022-1604 Datasheet
1Mb / 13P
   2-pin carrier terminal block; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; blue
2006-1661 WAGO-2006-1661 Datasheet
470Kb / 15P
   2-conductor carrier terminal block; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 6 mm짼; Push-in CAGE CLAMP짰; 6,00 mm짼; gray
2210-1201 WAGO-2210-1201 Datasheet
724Kb / 15P
   2-conductor through terminal block; with push-button; 10 mm짼; with test port; side and center marking; for DIN-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; Push-in CAGE CLAMP짰; 10,00 mm짼; gray
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